Animal Farm by George Orwell

animal farm by george orwell
Animal farm by George Orwell

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Animal farm plot overview

"Animal Farm" by George Orwell is a political satire directed towards the communism that came during the alliance with the Soviet Union. The communists came with fake promises to provide help and bring in equality and justice but nothing came out of those promises. In an attempt to mock those fake promises, George Orwell came up with this novella in 1945 which was rejected by several publishers before finally getting published.

The Animal Farm is the story about the animals of 'The Manor Farm' who after being oppressed by humans for years, sought out their way to a better life. But who knew what that life would bring for them?

Animal farm Book Summary

Animals in the "Manor Farm" were routinely living their life under the rule of their owner, Mr. Jones. Until one day, one of the older pigs, The Major, called them in the big barn for a meeting and sparked feelings of war and rebel in them towards their owner and humans in general. He talked about breaking away from their oppressed lives and teach the humans that animals can have a better life without them. The Major died few days after this speech but he left a scruple of rebelliousness and revolution among the animals of the Manor Farm.

The revolution eventually came, and the animals won the war between animals and humans changing the name of the Manor Farm to the "Animal Farm". With the revolution, came about many changes in the animal farm and within the lives of animals too. But, who knew that the fight to bring equality and justice among all animals was subdued by a specific group of animals.

The beginning of the animals living as all equals was just a dream that was gradually engulfed by ingenious tricks of a particular group of animals. On one hand, there were 7 commandments of the animal farm. And every animal was obliged to follow them. But amidst all these animals there was a group who progressively modified these rules for their benefits and interests.

Have you seen any animals sleeping on beds, drinking alcohol, walking on two legs? But through this book, George Orwell has depicted the notorious nature of power that once someone starts enjoying the position of dominance there’s no way they would think of leaving that place.

Animal Farm Book Review

Anyone would claim to bring equality and justice in rule when they'll come to power. But once someone is in charge of power and authority, they forget what they said.

Through this undoubtedly wonderful book, George Orwell has personified a very powerful narrative through the story of the animals. He has presented that a person should know to differentiate when it is in their favor and when it becomes injustice and sheer stupidity to believe in every word of their leaders. The people who don’t know to fight for their rights. And are always dumbfounded by the forgery and hoax appearance of their leaders are bound to remain trapped in the tyrannical circle of injustice and inequality. 

This was my first book of George Orwell and what I can say is that from his writing style to story narration, I loved every bit of it

Highly recommended💯

You can easily purchase it from here

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