6 things to keep in mind while washing your hair

hair care tips
Hair care tips
1. Always apply oil before washing your hair.

Applying oil to your hair might seem a difficult task to do. and you might have to motivate yourself every time to do it. But, you must do it if you want healthy and well-nourished hair. As far as the question of applying a specific type of oil is concerned, you can select any of them according to your choice. I personally apply mustard oil but some people think that its smell is way too strong to bear so you can either go for coconut, argan, or olive oil. One thing that you must keep in mind while applying hair oil is that do not let the oil stay for way too long. Some studies say that one and a half or a maximum of two hours before taking a bath are enough to oil your hair. I think that it depends on the condition of your hairs too like mostly I apply the oil overnight and sometimes 2 hours before taking a bath. The difference I see in both conditions is that when I apply it overnight the oil is easily washable by applying a normal amount of shampoo and leaves my hair well-nourished. While in the latter condition when I apply it for 2 hours I feel that the oil doesn't wash off easily. And since I had to apply more shampoo to wash it off so the texture of my hair feels a bit dull in the end. This got a bit long and might be confusing to you but the point is to make sure you apply oil before washing your hair.

2. The right use of shampoo and conditioner.

When it comes to using shampoo the first basic thing is to use one according to your hair problems and needs, and try to change your shampoo when one finishes off. Now, why you should change your shampoo? What I have experienced is that one you keep on using the same shampoo for months it somehow stops giving the results and benefits which it showed in the beginning. It might be that the condition of your hairs got better but still, I would suggest that when one bottle of your shampoo finishes try to shift on a different one (keeping in mind the needs of your hair e.g. hair fall solution but of a different brand)

Another important thing for the correct use of shampoo is its consistency. Never use shampoo in its thick form. There are two reasons for that: 1) you will have to use more of it, 2) the thick consistency of shampoo will largely target the natural oils of the roots of your hairs and ultimately make your hair dull and weak. So it is better that you dilute the shampoo with water before applying it to your hair. (Pro tip: You can also add 2-3 drops of castor oil in a cup and add the quantity of diluted shampoo that you have to use at that moment. The castor oil helps in the growth and strengthening of hair)

The last thing concerned with the use of shampoo is that make sure you do not apply it on your hair ends. Since the purpose of the shampoo is to remove dirt and excessive oils from your scalp and hair roots. The ends of your hair are already deficient in natural oils, so when you apply shampoo on them, it leaves them poorly deprived and frizzy.

So what should you apply to your hair tips? Here comes the conditioner! The sole purpose of the conditioner is to moisturize your hair ends while cleansing them more smoothly. For the conditioner to show its proper effect, let it stay on your hair for about 5-7 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. Why cold water? Because cold water is best to lock the moisture in the hair and doesn't make the hair look dull like the warm water.

3. Gently massage your scalp with your fingertips to wash off the shampoo.

While washing your hair do not harshly rub your scalp with nails to wash off the shampoo. Only use the tips of your fingers to cleanse the shampoo. The reason is that when your hair is wet they are in the most vulnerable state to break and fall. So if you probably use your nails to wash off the shampoo there are chances that they would damage your hair follicles and roots causing more damage and hair fall. So if you ever wondered why you lose more hair while taking a bath so this might be one of the reasons.

4. Taking care of wet hair.

This might be such a common condition that you took a bath and you felt so relaxed and easy that it made you crave some rest. So you went straight to bed to get a cozy restful feeling. But no sis! you can’t do this because it badly damages your hair. Since we just noticed above that wet hair is in the most vulnerable state to get damaged easily. Sleeping with wet hair causes the hair follicles to weaken and you are likely to develop dandruff. Another important thing with the care of wet hair is that you should not tie your hair tightly when wet, let them dry properly. Otherwise, you might get aches in that part of your scalp since there was high pressure applied on there.

5. Drying your hair.

Most of us use a towel to wrap around our wet hair when they are dripping water. But instead of using a towel try using a cotton shirt or lawn dupatta to wrap around your hair, it will help in quick absorption of water with less breakage of hairs. As far as using a hairdryer is concerned for this purpose, do not use heat and such tools on your hair if you are not in a hurry. Let your hair dry naturally on their own.

6. Brushing your hair.

Lastly, when it comes to brushing your hair, I would suggest that always use a wide-toothed comb to brush your hair. It would help to untangle them quickly and easily rather than a hairbrush. Using a hairbrush has more chances to cause hair fall.

I hope this was helpful, I’ll be posting my favorite yet the easiest DIY hair mask in the next blog post so don't forget to subscribe!


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