Aks Novel by Umera Ahmed

Aks by Umera Ahmed; Summary

Aks Novel by Umera Ahmed
Aks by Umera Ahmed

Aks isn't the kind of book that you might be expecting from Umera Ahmed.
Aks is incredibly different, striking every corner of your heart, making you feel stuck in a jigsaw puzzle where just one missing piece is taking you somewhere else in the story.

Most importantly of all, Aks deals with the most sensitive yet somehow controversial issue of sexual abuse because when you will read this book you'll understand why controversial.

Through Aks, Umera Ahmed has tried to provide a speck of hope to those children who had been sexually abused and are trying to find a way out of this darkness.
Umera Ahmed has portrayed 2 cases of child sexual abuse in this book and both of them representing two different situations with totally opposite outcomes. 

Umera Ahmed has tried to depict the fact that cases of sexual abuse need to be dealt with through understanding and compassion. So the one who goes through this doesn't have to live with this incident their whole life. It's not their fault that they had been abused neither they should be silenced to speak against their abuser. 

If someone seems good to you doesn't mean that they won't have a downside in their personality.

Apart from these 2 cases, there's going to be another scenario of a child getting trapped in this situation in the name of seeking love and comfort. 

What I loved about Aks was that Umera Ahmed tried to give the readers of this book some crucial lessons through all 3 of these cases. Whether it's about parent's negligence of their child, leaving their children completely under the supervision of helpers, unsolved past traumas, parents fight over the child while completely ignoring the same child in the process.

It's a rollercoaster journey, but completely worth it!

Aks Novel Story

Aks is the story of Chirya, an eight-year-old girl living in a DC house with her Nana and mother. Her Grandfather was appointed as a cook under the government services. Until one day she meets Aibak in the same house that completely changes her life. Chirya experiences some of the best and worst moments of her life while being friends with Aibak. 

This book will take you through the struggles and downfalls of Chirya's life. The growth of Chirya from a weak timid girl to a strong independent woman is what Umera Ahmed wishes to express through this book. Your problems and difficulties can't choose what the future holds for you. It is your choice whether you want to stay stuck in the past or work for a better future.

Apart from Chirya, You'll also meet a beautiful couple through Sherdil and Shehrbano. Their understanding and chemistry will make you go AW. But when the impulsive and suspicious nature of a person intrudes on their relationship, there's no going back to what it was like.

Sherdil's mother, Munazza and Shehrbano are the perfect representation of how we keep on clinging to our idealistic figures and beliefs. We forget our lives and even logic while trying to save our images of those ideals. Also, being oversensitive and impulsive can destroy our lives. 

Then there's going to be Aks Murad Ali, a close friend of Sherdil. One thing that I can say for Aks is that you might be going to misunderstand her or think of her as a homewrecker but DON'T. You can think of Aks Murad Ali to be anything yet still you can't hate her. And when you'll know why I'm saying this, you won't stop adoring her for so many reasons.

Aks Novel Quotes

Sharing some of my favorite quotes from Aks by Umera Ahmed

بڑوں کا سارا مسئلہ یہ ہوتا ہے کہ وہ ایک ہی وقت میں چھوٹوں کو نصیحت کے ذریعے اچھائی اور عمل کے ذریعے برائی سکھانے کی کوشش کر رہے ہوتے ہیں اور اس کوشش کے نتیجے میں تربیت نہیں کنفیوژن دیتے ہیں۔

وہ چیز جو مانگ کر لی جاتی ہے وہ کبھی بھی کوئی چھین سکتا ہے۔

اپنوں سے ملنے والے زخم تھور کے زہر کی طرح ہوتے ہیں۔ شہر سے خیردین مر کے آیا تھا اور خاندان والوں نے اسے دفن کر دیا تھا۔

Have you read Peer-e-kamil and Aab e Hayat by Umera Ahmed?

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